Milk Magic Chocolate Milk UHT 250ml
24 x 250ml
Milk Magic Chocolate Milk 250ml is made from cocoa and fresh creamy milk, great for snack time and for on-the-go consumption.
Milk Magic Full Cream Milk UHT 1 Liter
10 x 1 Liters
Milk Magic Full Cream 1L is a creamy milk variant that undergoes pasteurization for a delicious taste and longer shelf life.
Milk Magic Full Cream Milk UHT 250ml
24 x 250ml
Milk Magic Full Cream 250ml is a creamy milk variant. It’s a good option for smaller amounts and for on-the-go consumption.
Milk Magic Instant Filled Milk Powder
30 x 350 grams
Milk Magic Instant Filled Milk is the ideal combination of nutrition and convenience, making it an essential pantry item.
Milk Magic Instant Full Milk Powder
30 x 350 grams
Milk Magic Instant Full Cream Milk Powder is made from 100% pure milk powder, it provides nutrition, taste and convenience.
Milk Magic Instant Non Fat Milk Powder
30 x 350 grams
Milk Magic Instant Non Fat Milk Powder is a 99.9% fat-free milk powder that is versatile and fit for a healthy lifestyle.
Milk Magic Low Fat Milk UHT 1 Liter
10 x 1 Liters
Milk Magic Low Fat Milk contains less fat while providing essential nutrients, ideal for a healthier dairy option.
Milk Magic Low Fat Milk UHT 250ml
24 x 250ml
Milk Magic Low Fat Milk 250 ml contains less fat while providing essential nutrients, good for on-the-go consumption.
Milk Magic Sterilized Milk UHT 1 Liter
10 x 1 Liters
Milk Magic Sterilized Milk is a healthy drink made with high-quality dried skim milk and vegetable oil, free from trans fats.
Milk Magic Sterilized Milk UHT 250ml
24 x 250ml
Milk Magic Sterilized Milk is a healthy drink made with high-quality dried skim milk and vegetable oil, free from trans fats.
Murray Goulburn Cheddar Cheese
20 kgs/ctn
Murray Goulburn Cheddar Cheese is a semi-hard, rindless, cured cheese with a mild flavor and good-keeping qualities.
Murray Goulburn Cream Cheese
10 kgs/ctn
MG Cream Cheese is a premium cream cheese from Australia. Smooth and velvety, it is commonly used in baked products.