Milk Magic<br />

Milk Magic prides itself on its creamy and delicious milk drinks made with high-quality ingredients. Their tagline, “The Creamier Milk,” reflects their belief that everyone should have access to premium-tasting milk without breaking the bank. The ingredients are carefully sourced from trusted suppliers in Australia to ensure that each pack is filled with fresh and pure creamy goodness that makes drinking milk an enjoyable experience.

Explore the various Milk Magic flavors, which cater to people of all ages, lifestyles, and preferences, including Full Cream, Sterilized, Chocolate, Low Fat, Fresh Milk, and Brown Sugar flavors. Indulge in the creamy delights of dairy, every day.

  • Milk Magic Brown Sugar Milk 1 Liter

    Milk Magic Brown Sugar Milk 1 Liter

    10 x 1 Liters
    Milk Magic Brown Sugar Milk is a delicious combination of brown sugar, creamy goodness of pure milk and a pinch of sea salt.

  • Milk Magic Brown Sugar Milk 330ml

    Milk Magic Brown Sugar Milk 330ml

    24 x 330 ml
    Milk Magic Brown Sugar Milk is a delicious mix of brown sugar, pure milk and sea salt. The perfect addition to your coffee.

  • Milk Magic Chocolate Milk UHT 1 Liter

    Milk Magic Chocolate Milk UHT 1 Liter

    10 x 1 Liters
    Milk Magic Chocolate Milk 1L is made from cocoa and fresh creamy milk, delivering a nutritious and satisfying experience.

  • Milk Magic Chocolate Milk UHT 250ml

    Milk Magic Chocolate Milk UHT 250ml

    24 x 250ml
    Milk Magic Chocolate Milk 250ml is made from cocoa and fresh creamy milk, great for snack time and for on-the-go consumption.

  • Milk Magic Full Cream Milk UHT 1 Liter

    Milk Magic Full Cream Milk UHT 1 Liter

    10 x 1 Liters
    Milk Magic Full Cream 1L is a creamy milk variant that undergoes pasteurization for a delicious taste and longer shelf life.

  • Milk Magic Full Cream Milk UHT 250ml

    Milk Magic Full Cream Milk UHT 250ml

    24 x 250ml
    Milk Magic Full Cream 250ml is a creamy milk variant. It’s a good option for smaller amounts and for on-the-go consumption.

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